Spirituality Behind Female Power and Leadership

Being a leader never truly was about having a specific job position, institutional authority or the amount of fame and power one has. A leader is and always will be an individual who possesses the traits and characteristics of someone who can be trusted and relied on by many. Power is spiritual, strength is within, yet society has conditioned the women of this Earth to feel like they have to prove themselves worthy just to be as respected as men. I have been a victim of mansplaining, slut-shaming and all sorts of abuse. I was expected to settle for less than what I deserve because I am woman. I have considered it nonsense yet felt completely weak on my knees when dealing with these injustices.

Leadership is something anyone with the right mindset can achieve, it is not about the persona society gives you. That persona is long overrated, through wars, revolutions, poverty, diseases, battles of egos and more. You would expect one to feel so robbed of their spiritual powers. It is one thing to leave your ego at home, but how do you handle working surrounded with abusive wounded men and women, growing up around them and being taught nothing but self-hate and self-dimming ? 

You handle losing power to injustice by taking it back. Become the woman whose power grows by the second, who holds authority over how she lives her life and how she wants to be treated and who draws her power from her spirit. You don’t need others to approve of anything you do/want/think, your spiritual self knows there is nobody above you, it’s your physical self who has trouble remembering. Emotions such as shame, guilt and fear around being powerful are ingrained within you to keep you in a state of eternal shyness. I have felt inadequate for wanting so much freedom and power for myself until it just imploded and I had no other choice but to listen.

Enough of feeling like a “rebel” for standing up to bullies, never asking for permission and being unapologetic. It is never them vs. you, but they will want you to think it is. Opposition and persecution holds absolutely no value when you are defending your truth. Integrity is your greatest strength, it will drive you to the top no matter how many people try to put you down. Nobody holds a truthful individual down, ever. When authentic, your only weakness could be letting others convince you that you are not qualified to have tremendous independence and power. That’s the source of all power: feeling adequate, legitimate and believing you are a match to having limitless power. 

If you can believe you are the badass woman you picture yourself to be, then you are. Trust yourself first, then watch how you thrive with so little external proof of your power. Ladies, your reality is yours to create, law of attraction is also change. 

About the author:

Hasnae Taleb is a psychic, certified Life Coach and Reiki Master. Aside from one-on-one sessions, she offers group healing to business teams as well as social groups (private or public events). She currently lives in Morocco. She also works online as energy healing and coaching do not require physical proximity. To find out more about her, you can access her site or reach out to her through e-mail: http://www.livemorethinkless.net, hasnae@livemorethinkless.net


Vidas Negras


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