Press Coverage

Politics4Her's impactful work, amplifying young women and girls’ voices and the issues they face, has earned recognition from major media outlets such as Al Jazeera, HuffPost, ELLE, Forbes, and The New Humanitarian. This widespread coverage underscores the significance of our mission and reinforces our commitment to fostering inclusivity and gender equality.

  • Two months after Morocco quake, little support for hard-hit Amazigh women

    The New Humanitarian

  • Moroccan girls at risk of sexual assault, forced marriage after earthquake

    Al Jazeera

  • Morocco earthquake leaves women without menstrual care, safe hygiene: NGOs

    Al Arabiya News

  • Protections menstruelles : les dons arrivent après le séisme au Maroc


  • Manifeste pour le soutien aux filles et femmes victimes du tremblement de terre au Maroc !

    Le 7TV

  • Disaster relief must better account for women’s needs

    NADJA News

  • Appeal for Providing Menstrual Products to Earthquake-Affected Women in Morocco

    Morocco World News

  • Séisme au Maroc : quels sont les besoins des femmes sinistrées ?

    Axelle Magazine

  • The young people in Puerto Rico reshaping finance, tech, culture and food


  • Activists use social media for reproductive justice in Morocco

    NADJA News

  • "Pour Meriem". In Marocco si lotta per una legge sull’aborto, riparte la protesta pro-choice

    HuffPost Italia

  • W4L: A Moroccan Initiative Helping Women Create Societal Change

    Morocco World News

  • Politics4Her, Politic4us?

    Le 7 TV

  • On National Moroccan Women Day, young feminists recount struggles to be heard

    Hespress English

  • Nos Instagram Awards : 21 comptes marocains engagés à suivre en 2021

    We Love Buzz

  • Maroc : une petition et un sit-in pour le droit à l’avortement

  • Safe Abortion Day: Moroccan Activists Fight For Change

    Morocco World News

  • Politics4her, le mouvement féministe marocain à grand potentiel

    We Love Buzz

  • بعد وفاة طفلة خلال إجهاض سري .. حركة تدعو لوضع خطة لمنع الحمل وتمكين الفتيات من التربية الجنسية

  • بعد وفاة الطفلة مريم خلال إجهاض سري.. حملة توقيعات لتجديد مطلب تشريع الإجهاض في المغرب