Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls in the SWANA Region: A Call for Targeted Investments in Prevention

Aligned with the 16 Days of Activism theme, "Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls", this brief emphasizes the imperative for strategic investments in preventative measures. This policy brief underscores the critical need to prevent violence against women and girls by investing and recognizing the unique challenges posed by persistent patriarchal norms and laws that endorse such violence. In the subsequent sections of this policy brief, we will explore the specific challenges faced by the SWANA region, delve into the 16 case studies shedding light on the harsh realities faced by women and girls in the SWANA region, advocating for a targeted approach to address root causes. We then propose 16 targeted recommendations for policymakers.

Read the brief here


Understanding the Intersection of Gender and Climate Justice in the SWANA Region: With Findings from Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia


Beyond Borders: Unveiling the Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement