Addressing sexual exploitation against women in transit along the Central and Western Mediterranean routes:From North and West Africa to Europe

Sexual exploitation against women in transit along the Central and Western Mediterranean routes poses a grave humanitarian concern, demanding urgent attention from international organizations, national governments, and regional bodies.

This policy brief examines the multifaceted challenges faced by migrant women and girls, ranging from legal and institutional gaps to cultural barriers, exacerbating their vulnerability to sexual violence and exploitation during their transit.

The brief offers actionable recommendations to enhance protection mechanisms, strengthen legal frameworks, and promote gender-sensitive approaches to migration policy. It underscores the imperative for concerted action to safeguard the rights and dignity of migrant women and girls along migration routes.

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Stories From Gaza: Addressing Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Gaza


Ce qu’il faut questionner afin de mieux financer les organisations de femmes d’Afrique Centrale et de l’Ouest